Tiffany Scull
Tiffany works from her Dorset studio base on Portland creating ceramic forms decorated by hand with detailed Sgraffito drawings. Over time she has developed a very distinctive and unique way of painting with clay slips, carving and using sgraffito to draw her designs onto each form.
Tiffany says "discovering and specialising in the decorative technique of sgraffito has allowed me to pair up my two loves of drawing and clay work".
She views every unique work as a three- dimensional clay painting and a celebration of the natural world.
Sgraffito- This word translated from Italian means "to scratch away" and has been used by many cultures to decorate buildings, paintings and pottery.
Each piece has been thrown on the wheel and then goes through many different processes to create her intricate designs onto the damp clay surface, this takes many hours and no two pieces will ever look the same.
Her work is not functional and will not hold water.
Approx 9cm tall
Approx 9cm tall
Approx 9cm tall
Approx 9cm tall
Approx 9cm tall
Approx 10cm diameter
£25 each