Janette Sumner

Janette Sumner

Janette's work is heavily inspired by the coastlines around her, in particular, the tidelines that are left along the beaches by the retreating tides. She is captured by the transience of these spaces before they are taken away at high tide. From observed and recorded information her mixed media work captures their striking visual impact on the shifting sands.

Janette uses a mixed media processes as it lends itself well to the characteristics of tidelines, highlighting the shapes, colours and textures that are hidden within this fascinating microhabitat. She works building up a complex abstract surface with collage, paint and drawing before working in to them in order to 'excavate' her composition from the surface.  Often elements of the under surface still remain, offering a history to the work.

The coast has always held a great source of strength and freedom for Janette,  so wandering and waiting for low tide to reveal these intricate structures has become something of a fascination, and a vital starting point for her work.

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