Obvara, also known as Baltic Raku, is an ancient ceramic firing technique originating in Eastern Europe in about the 12th Century. Burnished bisque fired ceramic pieces are heated in a raku kiln to about 850°C and immersed in a fermented obvara brew, made with water, flour, sugar and yeast. Stunning, organic patterns are burned onto the surface of the pot giving a beautiful unique finish. The piece is then plunged into cold water to fix the effect. Once cleaned up and dried, the pieces are finished with a protective wax.
Obvara ceramics are for decorative purposes only and are not intended for functional use. They are not waterproof. Keep out of direct sunlight.
Bisque fired ceramics are wrapped in organic materials such as seaweed, fruit/ vegetable skins and coffee grounds and tightly enclosed in paper clay or tin foil. The pots are placed in a pit in the ground or a fireproof vessel and a wood fire is built up on top. The fire is stoked for several hours before being allowed to die down to reveal the beautiful pots among the ashes. The pots are then cleaned and given a protective wax finish.
Pit fired ceramics are for decorative purposes only and are not intended for functional use. They are not waterproof. Keep out of direct sunlight.
Burnished bisque fired ceramics are heated in a Raku kiln to about 800°C. The pots are removed to a heatproof surface and feathers and horse hair are carefully hand draped over the piece leaving a detailed image burned onto the surface.
After cooling, the pieces are cleaned, waxed and buffed.
Raku fired ceramics are for decorative purposes only and are not intended for functional use. They are not waterproof. Keep out of direct sunlight.
Burnished bisque fired ceramics are dipped in slip (liquid clay) and heated in a Raku kiln to about 900°C. They are carefully removed from the kiln and transferred to a vessel of wood chips for smoking. The slip layer cracks under the thermal shock and allows the smoke to penetrate and mark the surface of the piece. The piece is then quenched in water to cool. The sacrificial slip layer is removed revealing beautiful unique patterns. The piece is dried, cleaned and waxed to finish.
Raku fired ceramics are for decorative purposes only and are not intended for functional use. They are not waterproof. Keep out of direct sunlight.